Lately, there have been many people sharing their unsolicited annoyance with the current corona measures. The curfew that is ineffective. Vaccination going too slowly. How the cabinet is locking everyone into lockdown, but still keeps getting together themselves.

I know. Everybody knows it. But constantly complaining about it is really not going to get you anywhere. Besides, you're also ruining the other person's possibly positive mood.

I am reminded every time of management speaker Jos Burgers. Now I always get cheerful anyway when I think of Jos Burgers because of his positivity, but with his book The Law of Snuf (2014)he completely hits this nail on the head.

In it he describes the principle of giving and reciprocity. When asked who is always wagging his tail at home and happy to see him, his wife or the dog, the answer is clear.

The answer to his next question of who gets cuddled the most at home may also be obvious: Snuff, the dog. Of course, nothing against Mrs. Burgers, but the principle is clear. He who does good, meets good.

This doesn't just apply if you want to be hugged. A little more positivity in your life doesn't just make you happier, you even become **[more creative]( the last 15 years,understand human behavior%2C including creativity.)** of. You are able to see more opportunities.

So did Charlotte van 't Wout. When she returned to the Netherlands after a long trip, she dreamed of a beautiful apartment on the canals of Amsterdam. Instead of complaining about the extremely high prices there, she focused instead on finding the most beautiful room.

When she was out the door during the day, she rented that room out to companies who liked to have meetings in a different space from the office. Inside no-time she had set up a successful business and multiple locations in Amsterdam.

She captured the course of it on Instagram which gave her a nice following yielded. Those followers were people who not only wanted to be inspired, but were willing to pay to learn from her. That was the start of her Instagram training platform with which she has since become a millionaire.

But it can be simpler. Even in this day and age. For example, the other day we received a bill in the mail from a contractor who announced that he was starting a renovation two blocks away.

The bill contained his heartfelt apologies in advance for any inconvenience that might occur in the coming days. Whether they still had to take something into account in terms of working hours with the sound pressure, especially now that everyone is currently working from home. Including his number. This positive gesture brought him no work restrictions. But it did get him 5 new customers.

In other words; it pays not to focus so much on all that coronary clutter next time. Let's try to look ahead to next summer. Maybe we'll have a new Summer of Love get. If necessary in the Fall.

In which we can all go outside again, enjoy the terraces and go on vacation. That positive outlook alone contributes to a better well-being, makes you more effective in your work, reduces your stress levels and even offers a chance for a healthier life.

Besides, that just makes it a lot cozier and we could all use that for a while.