The Power of Recharge360
By empowering your people, you get strong teams and a healthy organization. Take advantage of the force field of Recharge360 And grow your business from the core!

The Recharge360 steps
Step by step to strong employees

01 | For a flying start
During the onboarding, you as an HR manager will get all the resources you need to successfully launch Recharge360 in your organization.
Media kit for HR
- As an HR manager, you will receive a complete media package with all the content you need to get your team started. This includes emails, social media posts, posters and other communication materials so you can let everyone know about Recharge360 and get them excited about joining.
Vitality Scan
- Immediately after onboarding, employees complete a brief vitality scan in the app, called the "Vitascan. This measures the current state of their physical, mental, social-emotional vitality and sense of purpose. The anonymous results give you as HR manager valuable insights at group level, so that you can take targeted action.
02 | Starting together with energy
We start with a joint kick-off led by inspiring speakers. This inspires your team to get started with motivation.
Inspirational Keynote: Inspiring session to explain the importance of vitality.
Explanation of the program: Your team will be explained about the app, how the platform works, and how the program is built.
Joint session: All participants start by exploring the app together and setting up their own pathway.
03 | Invite your team
After the kick-off, HR managers and team leaders can invite their teams to participate in Recharge360.
Team building: Invite your team members via the app, create groups and prepare to face challenges together.
Start immediately: After the invitation, participants can immediately use the app and begin their vitality journey.
04 | Meet the challenge
Challenges are designed to improve vitality in a fun, competitive way. Work together or individually on your well-being.
Daily challenges: Employees can participate individually or in teams in challenges such as the "Cold Shower Challenge" or step competitions.
Competition and fun: Create healthy competition within your team or work on personal goals by accumulating points and developing new habits.
In a year, you think:
How did we not do this before?
Book a 30-minute demo where we'll show you how to increase productivity and prevent burnout.
05 | See who leads the way
The leaderboards display the scores of your team and colleagues. So you can see who takes the most steps or completes the most challenges.
Individual and team level: Keep track of who in your team is performing the best or see the progress of other teams within the company.
Collecting Points: Increase motivation by earning points with each completed challenge and compete with your peers.
06 | Tailored personal guidance
Need extra guidance? Our certified coaches are available for 1-on-1 sessions, completely online and at your pace.
1-on-1 coaching: Employees can always meet with a coach for personal advice.
Online and flexible: Chat or video call sessions available in the app, so employees can ask questions or get guidance at any time.
Certified coaches: All coaches are certified and specialize in vitality and wellness.
07 | Stay inspired
Stay powerful
Recharge360 provides a rich library of media content to keep your team continuously inspired and actively engaged in their well-being.
Broad content selection: Access videos, podcasts, recipes and articles on topics such as breathing exercises, workouts, mindfitness, diversity, energy, and work happiness.
RechargeTalks and more: Discover inspiring talks and practical guides to improve your team's long-term well-being.
08 | A new focal point every month
To keep your team engaged and motivated, Recharge360 offers monthly themes focused on different aspects of vitality. Each theme is designed to address specific challenges and encourage sustainable behavior change.
Monthly themes
Each month we focus on a different key component of vitality, allowing employees to continue to learn and grow. Examples of themes include:
Sleep: Discover how good sleep can improve your energy and productivity.
Energy: Tips and challenges to maintain your energy throughout the day.
Mental resilience: Learn how to reduce stress and become mentally stronger.
Social-emotional well-being: Improve workplace relationships and create better team dynamics.
Meaning: Reflect on your goals and work on personal development.
09 | Understanding the results
Get detailed reports on the progress of the vitality program. So you know exactly what is going well and where there is still room for improvement.
Dashboards: Clear dashboards show recharging results, including data on vitality, engagement and productivity
Quarterly and annual reports: Clear reports provide insight into the long-term progress of your team's well-being.
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Every day of inaction brings your team closer to failure and burnout. Request a demo now and see how Recharge360 can help your company.
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